Teens Beat Future Economic Crisis! (Habits of the Go-Getter Entrepreneur Teen)

Teens Beat Future Economic Crisis! (Habits of the Go-Getter Entrepreneur Teen)

It is interesting how we are told many times to go to school and study hard, in order to go and work for somebody. Our traditional educational system does nothing in the way of educating us financially, at best it trains us to get jobs. I once heard a very interesting acronym for the word JOB – Just Over Broke.

You will agree with me that in this changing economic climate, our teens who are the future of every nation need to be taught one thing, and that is the habits of the go-getter entrepreneurial teen. Entrepreneurship is a worthwhile skill that must be taught and learnt by all teens and adults alike. You cannot get ahead in life if the only mindset you have is how to sit back and get somebody else build a company, so that you will be an employee of that company one day. What happened to your own idea, your own creative ability and your dream of influencing the world in a better way? How will you manifest your genius, and contribute to this world, if all you are thinking about is how you will be getting your next pay? Of cause you can always get a job and learn from somebody initially, but that place of learning should not be your bus stop. You can do more and better than being on a payroll.

The book Teens Beat Future Economic helps teens look at life from a different perspective, it awakens the sleeping entrepreneur in them. It practically exposes them to the useful habits of the go-getter entrepreneur that only a few people know about and how these few people rule the world. Citing real examples of real teens who have turned ordinary ideas in business ventures, this book will help you discover your own magic recipe. Each chapter is written to encourage teens break loose from limiting believes and wrong thought patterns, so that they can start venturing into the world of business now or in the future.

Each chapter ends with mind challenging questions that will make the teen think outside the box, and positive affirmations to bring about reprogramming and rewiring the young mind to achievement. The stories of ordinary teens and in some cases less fortunate teens will help teens see the possibilities out there and how they can develop an opportunist eye as well as a heart of gratitude. The advice from this book is not taught in our schools. “Any teen can be rewired for success, if they are taught early enough, before adult responsibilities catch up.” Laura Lyseight